If you’re reading this , welcome to my new blog. I’m glad you’re here and hope to make it worth your while.
I’m a newly-minted novelist, but I’ve been writing essays, reviews, and other nonfiction for years. Most of my published work in the past five years can be found at this site: Maya Sinha's Online Portfolio (pressfolios.com).
I describe my subject matter as “modern culture and family life,” which covers a lot of ground. Typically, I combine cerebral or artistic topics (books, films, ideas) with my day-to-day experiences as a wife, mother, and American. As 21st century life gets increasingly weird and unsettling, I find the timeless insights of artists more important than ever.
In this blog, I will post updates relating to my novel, The City Mother, which I’m excited to share. I’ll also post links to newly-published essays and other work.
But I want to do more than plug my own literary output. This blog is an opportunity to highlight the work of other interesting writers, gab about movies I think everyone should see, riff on pop cultural events that I, a Gen-Xer, barely understand, and share personal anecdotes in a way that does not cause my two middle schoolers to be paralyzed with shame.
Good luck to me with this ambitious plan!
Please check back soon or sign up for updates. And thanks for reading.